Saturday, May 24, 2008

Specifications and Features

• The sensor used are four LDRs and LEDs.
• The steering method used here is differential drive.
• The actuators used are two 100 rpm DC motors.
• One 9V battery provides power to the robot.
• The robot can follow a dark line on a light surface or a light line on a dark surface.
• A LED is switched on when the robot is on the line (this makes things easier during debugging).....

Parts list

1)BC 548 transisitors ----------- 4
2)LDR ------------------------------4
3)100uf 25V Electrolytic Capacitor -1
4)270 ohm resistor -------------- 1
5)1K resistor ---------------------2
6)L293D IC --- 1
7)20 K preset --- 4
8)Multipurpose PCB -1
9)LED's blue , green,red ----- 4 , 1, 2 respectively.
10)100 rpm dc motors ----2
11)16 pin IC base
12)wheels --- 2
13)wooden board
14)0.22uf ceramic capacitors -----2

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Robot ..Line follower

I ll explain here everything and every component required to make ur own robot u don't need to go to institutes to learn.This tutorial details the construction of a simple and low cost robot. The robot is mainly a line follower !And all this for less than Rs.1800 . The best part is that the robot does not use any microcontroller, which means you need no expensive programmer or even a computer to program your robot. This tutorial is mainly aimed at beginners, hence I have tried to keep the robot as simple and cheap as possible. With only a few parts you can get this robot up and going. Here is a video of the robot following white line.

A Mechanical Man ...with a metal body that can vacuum the floor, serve drinks, protect the family against intruders and fire, entertain, educate and lots more. In fact, there’s almost no limit to what a well-designed robot can do.....this is the first image of robot that flashes in our minds.!!!!!
A Mechanical Machine ...which do the tasks according to our is just a slave of programming and humans ,..!!!!